
Friday, August 6, 2010

Good ideas spread...and win - what are your good ideas?

As mentioned in previous posts, I have really tried to utilize my summer to better myself.  I wanted to refine my skills as a progressive educator who is able to meet the needs of students in a meaningful and influential way.  As such, I have concentrated on new ways to integrate social media and technology into my classroom instruction.  All of the ideas and suggestions I plan on using started out as ideas.  In particular, they started out not just as ideas, but rather good ideas, and taking it to the next level, they are good ideas that have spread.  We live in a world where there is no shortage of ideas, however there is a shortage of good ideas that will ultimately win out and help shape our society.

This leads me to Seth Godin.  Godin is a unique and visionary leader who sees things a little differently than most.  Most importantly, Godin has been able to identify some of the reasons why good ideas are good ideas, and in particular why they spread.  His major point about the spread of ideas ties directly to the need and the targeted audience of the idea.  Surprisingly enough, as educators we have become infamous for using ideas not particularly designed for education, but hey, they seem to work! 

Every day we go to work or talk to a colleague we should take advantage of this opportunity, and utilize the educators around us and listen to their ideas.  We need to pay attention to our surroundings and keep our eyes open for those good ideas, especially those ideas that are worthy of spreading by our hand.  One of the biggest advantages to working in education is the availability of free and reduced resources.  If you tell someone you need something because you are an educator, most seem willing to throw ideas and resources at you for free simply because you are in education.  Let us take advantage of these ideas and identify the ideas that are practical for our use.  The ideas are out there, it is up to us to recognize them...and if you want to take it a step further, start spreading your own ideas...

Open your mind and explore different theories and beliefs, and when you see no value or purpose in something, try to focus on an audience that might see value in this concept or idea.  Try something new, take a risk, and discover a world of hold the power!     

1 comment:

  1. This post and youtube source got me thinking...we always ask students to pay attention. So how can we pay for their attention? Well our district is going with the 1 to 1 initiative so I think our first payement was putting technology into the hands of the students. Now to continue to pay for the attention by using the technology. Similar to TV adds we as teaching staff have to use our curriculum to advertise learning and that will pay for attention from the students. This will be difficult for those staff members who are not used to technology but yet again pay for attention by the staff through PD time to work on the technology idea and staff. Wow you have really started my ideas on spreading ideas...hope this spreads to you.
