All of my German 3 students have started their very own German blogs though Google's Blogspot. They have also pushed PowerPoint to the side in favor of using Prezi. They have been utilizing a Flip Camera to express themselves while answering questions in German about how we should conduct the class in the future. They have been answering weekly discussion posts on Facebook to reflect upon prior activities and assessments. Currently, my students are working on their first Glog about their interests and hobbies. In two weeks they will be making their first Xtranormal video to display their creativity and German skills. My German students have also learned how to use Google Docs, Wallwisher and Pindax.
I am still contemplating ideas for next semester both through Twitter and my PLN, as well as by using both formal and informal questioning of my students (through Facebook and the Flip Camera) about what they would like to do. The one thing that I am really excited about is the last task I will ask my students to complete at the end of the school year. Since each student has a German blog, I will ask the students to do a short reflection (in German) on each of these activities related to technology. Additionally, the students will learn how to insert the links to each of their completed assignments. By doing this I am hoping each student will leave my German 3 class with a digital portfolio. This one blog post will contain several reflections, as well as the links to their final projects.
I am looking forward to seeing all the finished products at the end of the school year. I am also looking for ways to improve this process, while getting as much feedback as possible from my students. If you have any suggestions or advice please leave a comment and share your knowledge and / or experience. Thank you, and please remember...trying new things can be difficult and at times uncomfortable, but the worst thing that has happened to me this year is I have learned how to improve upon it for next year...
Great Job justin! I love this. I'm trying todo the same, just in 6th grade. What if we all tried to do something like this? How would student engagement and learning change? Keep it up and If I can help in any way let me know!