
Saturday, February 5, 2011

10 videos that WILL ignite a discussion: Part 2

Here are 10 videos that will get you thinking and reflecting on your educational practices and beliefs. I did a post a few months ago with 7 different videos, and the response was quite positive. Leave a comment and let me know what other videos you would add to the list. Thank you and enjoy!

1) - The Flipped Classroom

2) - Mark Sanborn - The Fred Factor

3) - When I Become A Teacher

4) - You Can't Be My Teacher

5) - Facebook Privacy - A New Approach

6) - Digital World: Teachers Today

7) - Technology in Schools: 25 Students Sound Off

8) - 21st Century Education Remix

9) - Magnolia High School - Katy Perry

10) - Daniel Pink - A Whole New Mind