Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who is telling your story?

This has been on my mind recently. I hope these types of questions are on your mind too...

~ Who is in charge of being the Chief Storyteller for your district?

~ How do constituents in your district get their news & information about the district? Are you meeting them in the areas that they frequent, or are you making them go find the information for themselves?

~ When something great is happening or happened within your district, how are you getting that positive news to the community?

~ How is your district telling your story to your community? (I'm a firm believer that if you don't tell your story, somebody is always willing to step up & tell your story for you...)

~ Pictures & images of great things happening in your district are worth the proverbial 1,000 words....with something to think about.

@ideaguy42 really got me thinking about these questions. Thank you Dr. Dillon.