Let's be honest with each other for a moment. Let's take back all the fake smiles and friendly little emails. Let's tell all the cute puppies to go home and cast aside all the colorful rainbows...
Sometimes people just don't care what you think. They could honestly care less about your opinion and your existence (or lack thereof). You really don't have much of an effect on them. This is not all people and is most likely not most people, however there are those out there that are just not interested in you and what you have to say. Know this and accept this...
Sometimes it has nothing to do with being right or wrong. In retrospect, I think being right is typically one of the least important reasons for getting something done. Far too often I have seen something "wrong" end up getting the green light because of the many variables and circumstances that ultimately have nothing do with what is right or wrong. Being right is not wrong, but understand that being right is not always right either...
Sometimes you will have to speak when everyone else remains silent. You will know when this moment happens. Everyone around you will be looking down and avoiding eye contact. You will start to think, "should I say something, is this the right moment?" Yes, this is precisely the moment you will need to stand up and speak while everyone chooses to remain seated. They might not say it, they might not show it, but they will appreciate what you say. Speak from the heart, show your passion and leave it all on the table...
Sometimes saying "no" is the most important word you could ever say. "Yes" is so easy. It's so easy to tell someone they have permission. It's frankly too easy to say "yes," which is exactly why it can be dangerous. If you can't say "no," then you will always be forced to say "yes." Don't confuse saying "yes" as being kind and appreciative. Sometimes saying "no" can be just as kind and just as appreciative, regardless of how it may be perceived...
Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride, silence your mouth, sheathe your courage and bring all your momentum to a grinding halt. Pride and courage can be wonderful attributes for any of us, but be sure not to allow them to bring you down. Some of our greatest strengths have the possibility of becoming our biggest weaknesses when they're allowed to...
Sometimes you have to lose the battle in order to win the war. There are times when you need to move in all the troops and there are other times when it's best to retreat and save them for another day. Knowing when to do which makes all the difference. Don't be afraid of losing if it means you can be better positioned to win another day. Missing the opportunity to win one day doesn't prevent you from having another opportunity to win the next day...
It's called leadership...
Sometimes people just don't care what you think. They could honestly care less about your opinion and your existence (or lack thereof). You really don't have much of an effect on them. This is not all people and is most likely not most people, however there are those out there that are just not interested in you and what you have to say. Know this and accept this...
Sometimes it has nothing to do with being right or wrong. In retrospect, I think being right is typically one of the least important reasons for getting something done. Far too often I have seen something "wrong" end up getting the green light because of the many variables and circumstances that ultimately have nothing do with what is right or wrong. Being right is not wrong, but understand that being right is not always right either...
Sometimes you will have to speak when everyone else remains silent. You will know when this moment happens. Everyone around you will be looking down and avoiding eye contact. You will start to think, "should I say something, is this the right moment?" Yes, this is precisely the moment you will need to stand up and speak while everyone chooses to remain seated. They might not say it, they might not show it, but they will appreciate what you say. Speak from the heart, show your passion and leave it all on the table...
Sometimes saying "no" is the most important word you could ever say. "Yes" is so easy. It's so easy to tell someone they have permission. It's frankly too easy to say "yes," which is exactly why it can be dangerous. If you can't say "no," then you will always be forced to say "yes." Don't confuse saying "yes" as being kind and appreciative. Sometimes saying "no" can be just as kind and just as appreciative, regardless of how it may be perceived...

Sometimes you have to lose the battle in order to win the war. There are times when you need to move in all the troops and there are other times when it's best to retreat and save them for another day. Knowing when to do which makes all the difference. Don't be afraid of losing if it means you can be better positioned to win another day. Missing the opportunity to win one day doesn't prevent you from having another opportunity to win the next day...
It's called leadership...