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365 days per year / 24 hrs per day / 1,440 mins per day
Students spend 13 years in school from age 0-18
Age 0-18 / 365 days * 18 years = 6,570 total days alive
Age 5-18 / 365 days * 13 years in school = 4,745 days alive while in school
6,570 days * 1,440 minutes per day = 9,460,800 total minutes alive from age 0-18
4,745 days * 1,440 minutes per day = 6,832,800 total minutes alive while in school
350 minutes per day in a classroom for 180 days per year (total 13 years in school)
350 minutes per day * 180 days per year = 63,000 minutes in a classroom per year
13 years in school * 63,000 minutes per year = 819,000 total minutes in a classroom
819,000 classroom minutes / 6,832,800 total minutes alive while in school = 12%
*A kid sleeping 8 hours per night will subtract 2,277,600 minutes while in school
819,000 classroom minutes / 4,555,200 total minutes alive minus sleep time = 18%
If my math calculations are correct, it would seem that from the age of 5-18, the average student will spend roughly 18% of his/her life in a classroom. That means roughly 82% of a child's life from the age of 5-18 is NOT spent in a classroom. In my opinion as an educator, this is extremely pertinent information that is undoubtedly relevant when discussing the measures and the means of education reform.
What do the numbers mean to you...?