
Saturday, November 30, 2013

What you post online WILL be used against you...

Many people (myself included) share quite a bit of information online. Whether it's on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, or any of the other social media outlets, we are becoming a society of openness and sharing.

The information being shared ranges from what we had for breakfast all the way to our deepest and purest thoughts about life and our existence.

For myself and many of the readers of this blog, we tend to share some personal information about our lives and then we share a ton of information about our professional lives.

We've all heard the stories of somebody posting something inappropriate online and then being fired. We all know it happens and we might even know someone who it has happened to.

We also know the stories of someone being treated differently, someone falling out of favor, and someone getting a stern talking to as a result of something they've posted online. Though it didn't amount to dismissal, the effects are long-lasting and don't tend to go away quickly.

So, here's the deal, you are being naive if you believe the stuff you post online will never be used against you at some point in time in your life.

Even if you post cute videos of cats all day and every day, someone is going to find a way to use it against you.

Even if you only share 'how to' information specifically focused on improving the lives of others, someone is going to find a way to use it against you.

It might not be tomorrow... it might not be next year... it might not be this job... it might not be your next job...

But, the fact remains that as more information is shared, the more likely it is that something you shared online will be used against you at some point in time in your life.

Now, just so we are all clear and nobody leaves this post confused, I'm NOT recommending we stop posting and sharing information online. I'm merely trying to be frank and realistic.

You've been warned...

Happy sharing!