1). Do you include student behaviors (effort, participation, adherence to class rules, etc...) in student grades?
2). Do you believe in grade reduction for work that is turned in late?
3). Do you believe extra credit and bonus points should be a part of a student's grade?
4). Should academic dishonesty result in a reduced grade?
5). Should group work be graded on a group basis or on an individual basis?
6). Do you include pop quizzes and timed assessments in your overall assessment structure?
7). Do you believe every activity or assignment that is completed should be graded and recorded in the gradebook?
8). Do you average all of a student's scores throughout the course of the semester?
9). Do you believe all students should be doing the same assessments for it to be fair?
10). Do you believe there is a place for zeros in grade reporting?
**Many of these thoughts come from either @kenoc7 or @rickwormeli. We are doing a book study on Ken O'Connor's 'A repair kit for grading: 15 fixes for broken grades' and we are bringing Rick out to work with our entire staff next school year in October.
2). Do you believe in grade reduction for work that is turned in late?
3). Do you believe extra credit and bonus points should be a part of a student's grade?

5). Should group work be graded on a group basis or on an individual basis?
6). Do you include pop quizzes and timed assessments in your overall assessment structure?
7). Do you believe every activity or assignment that is completed should be graded and recorded in the gradebook?
8). Do you average all of a student's scores throughout the course of the semester?
9). Do you believe all students should be doing the same assessments for it to be fair?
10). Do you believe there is a place for zeros in grade reporting?
**Many of these thoughts come from either @kenoc7 or @rickwormeli. We are doing a book study on Ken O'Connor's 'A repair kit for grading: 15 fixes for broken grades' and we are bringing Rick out to work with our entire staff next school year in October.