Every administrator has probably heard this statement before.
It doesn't matter if it's a first year administrator or a 20 year veteran... this statement is hard to avoid.
We also all know the conversations, presentations, and perspectives that are immediately discredited simply because someone is no longer in the classroom.

And yes, the kids we have today aren't the same kids as five years ago.
Also, the demands on today's classroom teacher seem to be increasing to levels never seen before.
But, we have to remember, every single administrator was a teacher before becoming an administrator. It's also worth noting that administrators are in different classrooms almost every single day, so they get to see quite a lot of classroom action.
What message are we sending about teamwork and working collaboratively to help our students?
Do we believe those who currently aren't in the classroom really don't understand? Or perhaps can't understand...?
Better yet, is it possible for those who aren't in the classroom to understand, or are they banished to another world to forget entirely what it's like to be a teacher?
So, is it time to put this statement to rest, or is there merit and validity in making this statement?